View open rolesGibraltar has a long established banking heritage, dating back to the 19th century. It’s home to a nature reserve full of unique wildlife, hiking trails, and historic sites dating back to its Moorish heritage. Gibraltar’s macaques are world-famous, being one of only two places where these animals are found in the wild. The Gorham cave complex, housing many neanderthal remains and an active archaeological dig, has been designated a UNESCO heritage site.
RBS International operates a full banking proposition in Gibraltar, with a strong position in local retail banking and a good a market share in corporate, business and real estate finance..
Life in Gibraltar
Our Gibraltar offices are recently refurbished and well located in the centre of town, providing easy access to our branch via public transport as well as offering a myriad of options where you can eat, relax and unwind only a stone’s throw away, including luxury marinas with great sea views and a fresh and vibrant atmosphere.
Getting around
With the whole of Gibraltar spanning only around six square kilometres, getting around is pretty simple. Probably the easiest and most affordable way to travel around is by bus, with 10 different bus routes available. Meanwhile a cable car takes you to the top of the Rock where you can witness breathtaking views.